Monday, June 8, 2009

Daily Blog #11

Heh, its been a while since i posted anything recent, well lets get to the point, I finished my Blu Duel Gundam about a week ago,


I also was considering purchasing another Linebarrel figure like the one from one of my older vids. I got Photoshop up and running and i'm gonna go back to creating custom signatures and banners for the forum. I dont know why, but i'm started to get addicted to Anime again, but this time i think since i avoided watching anime shows, this urge is now stronger and it craves more and more anime shows. So far i think i completed watching about 4 different anime shows last week and about 3 to 4 mangas. Also, for you Mio fans, i created a signature with Mio:


This is not my best work, but since not having the time to create a signature in months this is the best i can do so far heh.

My gundam Collection has moved to the very top of the desk, good thing i dont live near an active earthquake zone lol:
