Sunday, June 14, 2009

Daily Blog #12

Hey guys and gals, its me sopheaku and I did many things this weekend. I finally finished most of my homework, but i;m still looking for a place to voulenteer at to get my service learninging hours in. Aside from that I did some weathering on my 1/144 00 model. Right now I just weathered half of it and replaced the 00's head with the Exia's head since i lost the V fin of the 00's head.


And yes thats the Dynames's Sniper rifle, it looks sick doesn't it, but thats what i think heh. heres another picture:


I will be finishing up the weathering process soon and hope to get the rest of the 00 model weathered up and looking beat up very soon ^_^ also if u hadn't noticed i changed the top of my title page, the three anime girls are so Kawaii ^_^