Thursday, June 18, 2009

Daily Blog #14

Sup Gunpla Modelers/Fans/Others, hows it going? Today I didn't do much, I just played Final Fantasy 12,great game by the way. I'm using three characters Basche, Baltheir and Ashe. So much customization, i mean theres so many ways you can customize each char with weps and armor.


Heres a picture of my TV, 32" Sony Bravia that I bought for 400 dollars on Black Friday


Oh, yeah going back to Gunpla models, I;ve been working with these "Sharpie Paint markers" which i bought in a 2 pack for 3.99$ USD Gold and Silver. But they are oil based so i try to avoid touch em at all times. The gold works really well and it shines too in the light, of course lol. What else, umm I dont know if i might be buying gundams any time soon, mabey i'll use a money order check to buy something from gundamstoreandmore to keep me satisfied. But heres my Painting in progress with the blu Duel's armor parts:





Oh yeah someone told me that i can take the armor off the blu duel too, i think it was shikamaxwell: well heres how it looks, the arms look kinda ehh,i also painted painted the v-fin cover gold
